
What’s a Landing Page & Do I Need One?

by | Jul 14, 2019 | Informative Blog, Online Tips | 0 comments

When I started the web design business 10 years ago, the hardest discussion I had to convince clients to do was to buy a website. Three years ago, the biggest issue was to consider a redesign for mobile responsive. So what do you imagine is the answer to that question in 2019?

It’s time to consider an additional business landing page.

What is a Business Landing Page?

Nowadays most of my clients have a good website (or at least if I build them one). Now they need help with ads, promotions, email lists, or running social media campaigns. In that line of thinking, a single page landing page is easy to optimize and rank well on Google. The team at Leadpages, a company that specializes in conversions has this to say.

Because landing pages are designed to convert, one of the key advantages of landing pages is their ability to bring traffic to the next stage of the sales funnel. No other webpage has this kind of targeted approach, which means landing pages can truly be your digital marketing lifesaver.

Big SEO and Lead Gen Companies Use Landing Pages

Over the years, I have connected with SEO and lead generation companies. Let me give you a little secret. Call it a behind-the-scenes tip, which will help bring the discussion of landing pages to the forefront. After these high dollar companies sell you a lead generating packages, they immediately go to their office and have their staff create 20 or 30 landing pages that they quickly index and optimize. These landing pages generate leads which they then pass back to you the external client.

So my advice to you today is to consider an additional landing page or two, to help grow your leads for your small business.

So here comes my call-to-action. If you cannot build these landing pages for yourself, DFW Website Designers sells landing pages that are optimized for your particular business for a flat fee of $597. Or if that is too much money, we also rent landing pages turnkey for $49.97 a month.

Whether or not you take us up on this great deal, you should really consider a landing page for your small business.

How have landing pages helped your small business?