
10 Elements to Avoid in Your Website Creation

[Y]ou have decided to take the plunge. Perhaps you’ve hired a great web developer to build your website creation. Maybe you are building it yourself. Nevertheless, I am here to share almost nine years of website building advice. Below is what I have learned from nearly 500 website designs to avoid in your website creation.

1. Avoid Using Flash on Your Website

Since Apple introduced the first iTouch or iPhone they have never supported flash on their iOS. This pretty much changed the standard and highly discouraged Flash to be used on any websites. So in short, don’t add it. For a more detailed explanation read, Daniel Nations’ explanation on LifeWire.

2. Please Don’t Add Tons of Non-Broken Text

Search engines, as well as, human readers, like broken up lists. For example, short paragraphs and lots of white space or headers in the content make it easier to read. Please don’t dump ten long paragraphs without pictures, headings, bolds, italics, or other page elements to break up the monotony. On the web, people skim.

3. Don’t Make Us Hunt to Contact You

I want to buy. Wait, how do I do that? I have a question. Where can I reach you?

Have an easy to find contact us or 817-247-6003. Don’t make people think. Speaking of that topic, Steve Krug has written a fabulous book on the subject. Called, you guessed it, Don’t Make Me Think, Revisited: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability. Disclaimer: Not only do I LOVE this book. I get paid some pennies at no cost to you if you buy from this link. FYI.

4. Avoid Non-Responsive Designs

The world looks at websites on their phones. Any questions? Perhaps this video will help explain…

5. Don’t Use 10 Fonts

If you feel the need to do this, call us. I’m sure there’s medicine we can recommend.

6. Please Don’t Color Your Written Content

Don’t be this guy! Trust me it’s not cute, just makes potential clients want to skip your page.

7. Minimize or Avoid Popups

I won’t lie, popups are effective. Especially if you want to create a large mailing list. If you have an extremely good use for this feature, please use it sparingly. Try at your own risk. Customers HATE them.

8. Don’t Auto-Play Videos or Music

Audio that self-starts on a page is an absolute no-no. Default to off and the customer will click if desired.

9. Please Don’t Forget Spell Check

Itz vary anoying wind peeple rite contant tat has nut been psell checked. Plez dont do tat. Haze somone poofread your’re contant pleze.

10. Don’t Over Promise and Under Deliver

Buying online products and services tend to get scrutinized a little bit more than just about any other transactions. And for good reason. My advice is to triple check your shipping dates, have a great easy-to-read return policy, guide your customer with expectations, and over deliver and under promise.

This is really only scratching the surface. If you would like to consult with a website professional who can help or even give you FREE coaching on your website creation, please call us at 817-247-6003 or Contact Us or fill out the short form in the footer. We are here to serve you!