
Website Redesign Questions

[W]hen it comes to redesigning your website that are several questions that we will ask you before we get started on your site.

Is your Content Still Relevant?

One of the most difficult parts of building a new website or redesigning a website for a client is trying to figure out their content. It can be extremely overwhelming trying to write content that fits your site. You have to take your client’s needs while using the proper keywords at the same time. So the first thing to consider is whether or not the content that you have on your website is still good. If the answer is ‘Yes’ or mostly then your redesign project will be a lot easier for you. If your answer is ‘No’ then do not stress too much because you will get thru the process of updating the content fairly easily. Consider this, you know what is wrong with the content because you know that it is not relevant. Therefore, you can easily write corrected content by just fixing the old.

Is your Website Mobile Friendly?

We will pull your existing website up on our phones to quickly answer this question but we add this in here because you may not have thought about it yet. If your website is not mobile friendly we can build you one that will be.

Do you have Your Logo in High-Resolution Format?

This is such an important question and one that is often most challenging for the client. It is crucial that when someone designs you a logo that they provide you with a high-resolution version and also a vector version. If you do not have access to these files just email your graphic designer and them for it. They should be able to easily provide this to you. If you do not have access to these files we will discuss this further and help you find a good resolution to the problem.

Where is your Website Currently Hosted?

If we are going to build you a new website we will need access to your hosting home. This home is often called a panel. You will want to look this information up and make sure that the username and password still work. This should be the same place that you go to setup and edit your email accounts.

Do you have some Websites that you Really Like the Look and Feel of?

It is important for us to know what you like. This will help us along the path of a redesign. If you do not know or simply want us to advise you on what will fit your needs best, we can easily do that. You may want to spend a bit of time researching your competitor’s website to see what they are doing, what you like about their sites and what you don’t like about their sites. This will help you start to get a handle on where your project should head.

We look forward to working with you on your website redesign. Please contact us below and let’s get started. It will be a fun project and we look forward to working with you.