
Why Now is the Time to Consider Virtual Assistants for Your Small Business

by | Jul 9, 2019 | Business Tips, Informative Blog | 0 comments

My profit in my website business has doubled since last year. I wish I could tell you that the difference was I improved my marketing, referral business, and found the secret to Google Ads. I have done some of that. But the real biggest improvement I have changed is… I started hiring virtual assistants.

What are VAs or Virtual Assistants

VAs or Virtual Assistants are 1099 contractors that can work for you without being at your place of employment. Most of them are actually in another country. They are usually hyper-focused on one or two particular skills which can range from:

  • Cold Calling & Lead Setting
  • eMail Marketing
  • Social Media Management
  • Organizing Task, Keeping Your Calendar, etc.
  • Web Design
  • Software Design
  • Data Entry
  • Or basically any repeatable task

The concept is exactly the same as hiring a “state side” personal assistant, except they are remote and usually considerably cheaper.

Now is the Time to Consider VAs

With high-speed internet access, and considering Zoom and Skype are now mainstream now is the time to consider VAs for your business. What if you could have help doing 1/2 your work from someone at a fraction of the cost for you do it? What if you could take out the tasks in your daily life that you cannot stand to do and outsource them to another individual?

For most small businesses, hiring more staff is the most costly part of doing business. A typical full-time virtual assistant from the Philippines cost roughly $500-$600 a month. Furthermore, that is a business expense that is not W-2 based. For many assistants, they speak great English and can work flexible hours to provide you service 24 hours a day.

Hiring VAs has been life-changing for my business! In the next two posts, I am going to break down the hiring process and cultural expectations for having your own business virtual assistant. Definitely, something to consider and a practice I highly recommend.