
Presentation Design Trends: How Neon Font Effect Can Bring The Best Out Of It

by | Jun 16, 2022 | Content Marketing Tips | 0 comments

– You have got great ideas.

– Exciting products and services to offer.

– A company that can deliver audiences’ expectations.

– A compelling story to attract audiences.

The only thing you lack is that you are still using the old 2010 PowerPoint presentation slide that is just not cut for 2022. Time has changed. People want to look at something new and refreshing. This also means they want to see new presentation designs.

We have scoured online design websites and recent presentation trends that are ruling the industry. This article will take you through presentation trends that will make your PowerPoint presentation more dynamic and attractive.

Presentation Designs We Need To Prepare

When putting together a PowerPoint presentation slide, there are two things that you must keep in mind – 

  • Design.
  • Function.

What this means is that not only do your slides need to look attractive, but they also need to hold the information that it is meant for.

A professionally designed presentation is all about using the modern design trend. And this can only be achievable with customized slides. 

You must understand that design trends can shape anything. For example, it can make your old dull-looking presentation exciting and attractive so that your viewers pay attention.

Here are some presentation design trends that will reshape the PowerPoint presentation in the coming years.

1. Using Typography As The Central Figure

There is no wrong way to use typography. Big Bold fonts are everywhere. They are used so that people do not miss out on-brand messages. 

When playing with presentation design trends and thinking about what will go better with your presentation. Don’t forget to think about what different typefaces will look like.

Try experimenting with outlining differing colors, using different fonts, and experimenting with typefaces to dominate the presentations. 

There are no rules that state how you are going to use typography. Mix and match the characters, use different fonts, and place different color layers to create something people will watch.

2. Memphis Designs

Memphis design is one of the design aesthetics of the 80s. Although they are related to old-generation design, many experts often connect Memphis with flashy, chaotic, and geometrical design.

In its old days, Memphis was all about having designs that used too many bright colors and opposed the concept of minimalism. 

However, this attitude has seemed to change a little bit. Today, Memphis designs are used to give the presentation that old classy look but with a pinch of minimalism. 

The interface has become increasingly uniform to make the presentation clear. So it is no wonder why presentation designers are turning to Memphis.

3. Glass Morphism

The first hint of Glass Morphisn came along with neomorphic in late 2020 and early 2021. Seeing how effective this design was, it further evolved to a full glass effect.

Glass Morphism is just the thing you think. It is a different palette of color that has been put on a glass window. The design element resembles glass and can be seen through it easily.

Designers have played with this concept since then. Today, Glass Morphis has become one of the top design uses for presenting new and creative ideas.

4. Retro Revolution

Retro designs, AHH, this brings back some cool memories. You will understand what we mean if you are one of the millennials. When the concept of the internet was coined, people could access it seamlessly. The first design that got popular on the internet was the retro style.

Retro was everywhere.

In fact, even today, designers are taking their inspiration from those early Wild West days. Web 1.0 is characterized or remembered by using bright colors, vial layouts, and robotic typefaces. 

Though all of these designs were implemented with tragic and hilarious results, the designers of 2022 are recreating the Retro design once again.

5. 3 Dimensional Design Elements

2020 and 2021 saw a lot of designers playing with the 3D effect in their designs. This also includes a presentation. This emerging trend was about using 3D elements to be used on 2D surfaces, giving an overall aesthetic look.

While the 2D part of the presentation will remain the same, the 3D part will have shadows, animations, and layer effects. The three-dimensional effect can help the viewers with an extra understanding of the content.

In our personal experience with experimenting with 3D design, we have seen that a 3D design extends to visual storytelling, especially when you are presenting something.

How Can Neon Effect Bring The Best Out Of Presentation Design?

From our experience, we have seen that a neon sign font does wonders for PowerPoint presentations. The reason is simple. The neon effect makes the text more visible, and people can see it clearly from a distance.

You can add a neon sign font to your presentation with simple steps. 

  • Select the shape so that the ribbon shows the Drawing tool format.
  • Activate the ribbon tab by clicking it.
  • Within the drawing tool, format clicks the Shape Effects.
  • This brings the shape Effects.
  • Now go to the gallery and select the Glow option.
  • The option will show you different glows that can be stuck with your text.
  • Move the cursor over to the effect of the glow.
  • Now, click on any effect to apply.
  • Following this method can add the Neon effect to your text.

Embracing The Design Trends!

Outdated presentation designs are not doing you any favors to you. On the contrary, they are making your presentation look boring and dull. This is affecting the result of your presentation. 

Fortunately, there is a way to do things right in 2022. As years change, trends change. People like to follow trends, and so must we. This article has discussed the current design trends used in making presentations. 

In addition, we have also talked about our favorite neon text and how it can enhance your presentation performance. 

If there is something you need to add to the list, it is open to all. You can share your suggestions with us and make this article complete.