
DFWCustodyLawyer.com for Sale $497

by | Mar 30, 2016 | Websites | 0 comments

[I] have started a new goal/game for myself here in 2016. In addition, to custom building websites for clients here in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, I am going to attempt to custom build 100 SEO websites for attorneys to sell at a low cost. It is a personal game if you will to keep my skills sharp and my ability to design anything quick. DFWCustodyLawyer.com is the first.

Each day of a build, I will take no more than four hours and will build and SEO a complete website in WordPress, based on a design idea I see in the industry. These websites will be sold at a reduced rate, starting at $497. To make it fun and highlight my skills, I will add $5 a day for each new website built. ($497 for the 1st, $503 for the 2nd, etc.) So let the games begin!!

Site #1: DFWCustodyLawyer.com

Number of People Search on Google for DFW Custody Lawyer

Living in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, better known to locals as “DFW”, I took the phrase “dfw custody lawyer” and found 57,710 people searching that phrase on Google last month (February 2016). Think that would be a great URL to own for any attorney in the metroplex.

Design Ideas from Texas Motor Speedway

Designed Based on Texas Motor Speedway

My inspiration for this site came from the very classy, expensive and complex site, TexasMotorSpeedway.com. I loved the five boxes with mouse over highlights, something I have never seen done in an attorney site. So going to the design table and racing the clock, I quickly realized for mobile responsiveness the square had to be double the rectangles, and the rectangles had to be propositioned 2:3s. A great challenge for an interesting design.

All the content is original, base on my own wants and needs of dealing with custody attorneys for past 17 years. The website contains 12 well indexed SEO pages and is on sale with the domain for a low, low price of $497.

Click to Visit DFWCustodyLawyer.com

Click to Check Out, Below to Buy.

Image courtesy of Texas Motor Speedway and DFW Custody Lawyer.

What do you think of this challenge? What do you think of my first attorney site?