
DFW Website Maintenance – Monthly Web Guy Service

You’re happy with your current website design but your designer doesn’t do post support even though your change requests are simple and only occasional. We can help. You are a do-it-yourselfer but you occasionally get stuck on your website projects. We can help. You have simple little changes that occur from time-to-time but don’t have time to do them yourself. We can help. You need a monthly web guy.

Our DFW Website Maintenance – Monthly Web Guy

Once you pay and we’ll return you a welcome eMail asking for your WordPress Dashboard user id & password along with your FTP access request. We’ll also give you a priority secret email you can use 24 hours a day. Write a simple short request (one that could be done in 30 minutes by a professional), and we’ll complete it within 24/48 hours. You can send one request every three days. For example:

  • A change to a phone number or hours of your business.
  • Adding or deleting staff from your companies website.
  • Switching out a logo on your website.
  • Add a company blog post or changing out minor content.
  • Updating your WordPress plugins.
  • Backup your website.
  • Fixing a broken link.
  • Changing a price on a product.
  • One eMailed 30 minute fix, as frequent as every three days!

How to Buy a Monthly Web Guy – Service Solution

Glad you asked! Click the button below to make your payment, eMail us your URL, and website access. Watch your inbox for our special eMail access and we’ll be in touch.

$57/mo = $171/qtr

$50/mo = $600/yr

Your house requires maintenance, your car, even your body needs a regular check-up. Even if you can maintain your website yourself, outsourcing it to a team who studies, designs and support websites 24/7 is worth the cost. Start your website maintenance today!