
Web Hosting and Design Services

Web Hosting and Design Services | Web Design FirmWeb Hosting

[W]e include the first year of web hosting in the price of your website package but hosting with us is not required. If already have hosting and just need a site design do not worry. We can just build right on your current hosting. If you want to purchase your own hosting we highly recommend, MediaTemple or JustHost as that is who we host with and have been extremely happy with their levels of service.

Design Services

There are many types of design services. We consider four major types when it comes to website building:

#1 Front End Design

This simply means that we are going to work with you to make sure that your website is appealing to your audience. The front end design is what people see when they visit your website. It is critical that your website’s look and feel matches your brand. While you may love a certain look, it may not match your brand or your audience. We will advise you so that you are not stranded in an island of tough decisions without a tour guide.

#2 Site Architecture Design

This is one of the most important parts of building a website. If the site architecture design is set up correctly in the beginning, it will grow into a beautifully SEO’d website.

Silo site architecture design is a great way to build a website that ranks well with search engines. However, if not done in the early stages, you’ll end up with tons of content but not great SEO. We will advise you from the beginning.

#3 Load Time

Page load time is critical. With slow sites visitors don’t stick around. One of the main elements of a great website is its load time. We build all of our websites with the best SEO Themes that load quickly and efficiently.

#4 Web Page Design

There is one more kind of design that matters a great deal to your website and it is the web page design itself. Many elements make up a web page design, ranging from font types to sizes of tables and images. There are virtually no limits to how you can design a web page. It all boils down to how much time, effort and money that you want to invest into your site. In the end, for small business web page design, it is crucial to create websites that the client can easily maintain. There is no need to pay us each time you need a change.

Ready for an affordable website design? We are waiting to assist you. Feel free to visit, call, or email us with this link. Or fill out the form below in the footer.